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Heat It Up Packages

All Available Packages Standard Premium Supreme
Monthly Cost £9.00 £14.99 £17.99
Fee Per Call Out * £50.00 £0.00 £0.00
Unlimited Call Outs
Boiler & Control
Free Boiler Service Yearly
Heating System No No
Plumbing and Drain No No
Boiler Replacement * No No
Hot Water No No
Yearly Total Cost £108.00 £179.88 £215.88


Fee Per Call Out *

1: Call out Fee is payable upfront in prior off sending an Engineer out.

2: On Supreme cover £50 call out fee is payable for call out in relation to Drainage.


Free Boiler Replacement *

1: On Supreme package if the Customer stays with us for ten or more Years and the Boiler in beyond repair, we will replace it with a new Boiler as a good will gesture.


Landlord Packages

All Available Packages Silver Gold
Monthly Cost £14.99 £16.99
Excess Per Call Out £0.00 £0.00
Unlimited Call Outs
Boiler, Control, Heating, CP12 *
Boiler, Control, Heating, Service, CP12 * No
Yearly Total Cost £179.88 £203.88


Note : Landlord Packages CP12 (Landlord Safety) Bases on up to two appliances each property any additional appliances will cost ten pounds each.

Tailor made Packages are available for Landlords with five or more properties on application.

CP12: Fifty Pounds for up to two appliances ten Pounds there after per appliance.

CP12 Plus Boiler Service: Cost ninety-nine Pounds (£99).

CP12 X 5 or more Properties: £40 up to two appliances (£10 per additional appliance) each CP12.

CP12 + Boiler Service X 5 or more Properties: £80 for up to two appliances (£10 per Additional Appliance) each CP12 + Boiler Service.

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